Jelenia Góra Development Strategy for 2024-2034. I supervised the quality of its construction process.

When in February 2023 I was finishing a two-day training on strategic governance of city development for the authorities and management of Miasto Jelenia Góra, the Mayor Jerzy Łużniak asked me: “Will you support us in building a new Strategy?” Of course, I answered with glee, and in the following months I provided hundreds of comments, advice and substantive, formal, legal and procedural recommendations to the team working on the Jelenia Góra Development Strategy for 2024-2034. The City Council has just passed it – now it’s time for its effective and efficient implementation – which I wholeheartedly wish for the residents, entrepreneurs, the environment, the city authorities and myself!I would like to thank the Mayor, the Head of the City Development Department Barbara Graczyk, her Team and all other co-creators of the Strategy, whom I had the pleasure and honor of supporting in this important endeavor for their trust and excellent cooperation!