I’m training the authorities – can be! Another group of leaders gains knowledge about strategy and strategic governance.

The new law on commune development strategy raises the expectations bar high for the Polish local authorities and senior management. However, it also gives them a chance to improve their governance style, which will be all to the good for residents, businesses and the environment, as well as for themselves. Although there are many problems in Polish local governments, it can be done. You just need to want it, to know the rules and understand what it’s all about.

All Saturday I was teaching this to another group of mayors, councilors, treasurers, secretaries, directors, CEOs, managers, commanders, etc. These are leaders studying at the MBA in Community Management organized by the Cracow School of Business CUE [KSB] Cracow University of Economics and the Heweliusz Institute. Great people, open-minded, committed – professionals who want to develop. And the unique atmosphere of municipal Hydropolis Wrocław, where all this took place. May there be more such people and such days!