Strategy and masterplan. It is not enough to have some strategy, even a legal one. You need to have good one.

The recent amendment to one of Polish legal acts determined that the MASTERPLAN takes into account in particular the spatial policy of the commune specified in the commune’s development strategy or the supra-local development strategy of communes. Now it turns out that determining a higher demand for new housing development than the general formula will only be possible if it is justified by one of these strategies. This is what the final draft of the ministry regulation on the masterplan says. This is another of hundreds of reasons why, in order to dynamically develop a commune, it is not enough to have a strategy, even formally correct. You need to have a substantively GOOD STRATEGY. Does your commune have one?

I trained another group of self-government officials on this and other features of a good commune’ development strategy. They included the entire Management Board of the Warsaw West County, as well as councillors, mayors and treasurers of cities, communes and counties. There were also directors and managers of departments and self-government institutions. Even the police chief was there. Great, ambitious people with whom the whole day passed like just a few moments. And all this as part of the MBA in Community Management conducted in several largest Polish cities by the Krakow University of Economics and the Hevelius Institute. I recommend!