Lectures at California State University, Dominguez Hills, on self-government and the development of the state, Carson, Los Angeles, USA

“Self-government and the development and strength of the state, on the example of Poland” – a lecture I gave at the California State University, Dominguez Hills for professors of its College of Business Administration & Public Policy at CSU Dominguez Hills. The development of a country requires a good combination of the state’s development policy and the development policies of territorial authorities. The latter must therefore not only exist, but also have real abilities, sufficient freedom, motivation and knowledge to design and effectively implement their development policies. They know it here in the USA, and we in Poland know it. When asked how to do this, you have to constantly look for answers. We live in a world of rapid changes, and public systems must keep up with them, ahead of them and co-create them. The questions and the discussion on this topic after the lecture were fascinating. I would like to thank the professors mentioned below for this and for their participation.

Thank you!: Prof. Clarence A. Martin, Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration and Public Policy | Prof. Elena Kulikov, Chair of the Department of Public Administration | Prof. Rui Sun, Co-Director of Public Policy Institute | Prof. Brenda Riddick, Director of the M.M. Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute | Prof. Theodore Byrne | Prof. Chacko Kannothra | Prof. Sarah Britto | Prof. Saahir Shafi | Prof. Roger Qiyuan Jin | Prof. Zheng Yang | Prof. Jennifer Macy | Dr. Betty Vu, Assistant Dean of Graduate & Prof. Programs. Special thanks to] Prof. Hui Li, who arranged everything. Hui, you are wonderful!

And one more thing. Public authorities at all levels in the US are struggling with many problems. However, we can still learn a lot from them. They have great experience, courage and direct approach, distinguish important matters from flanneling, understand business, like simple and clear solutions, are focused on efficiency and measurable results. I recommend our self-government officials and scientists of public governance to cooperate with them, learn about their experiences, solutions and their way of thinking. Although not everything will be useful to us, it is WORTH getting to know it! Our countries are getting closer to each other today as never before, and it should not only be at the central level.

P.S. California State University consists of 23 campuses, several of which are located here in Greater Los Angeles, and together have close to a HALF MILLION students. Impressive scale!