Strategic revolution! An act introducing mandatory communes development strategies has been signed.

So it happened! Yesterday, the President of Poland signed an act that not only revolutionizes our spatial planning, but also gives a superior role to commune development strategy (we have 2477 communes), making it mandatory soon. The study of conditions and directions of spatial development is replaced by a general plan, taking into account the spatial policy of the commune specified in the commune development strategy or supra-local development strategy. A similar condition applies to zoning plans. The fundamental act on commune self-government introduced the following provision: “The commune develops a commune development strategy”, making it obligatory. Therefore, the entire system was constructed as I spoke at my numerous trainings for local authorities and public managemers and wrote in “Territorial Self-Government” and “Community” (see in LEX ). In result, our local governments face one of the greatest challenges since their creation. It’s time to get to work, there’s not much left. A good strategy will open up many opportunities for the commune and stimulate its development. Bad, it can lead to a long-term