Lectures at Manisa Celal Bayar University on reforms and development strategies of Polish communes, Manisa, Turkey

As many as several dozen professors and doctoral students came to my lecture at Manisa Celal Bayar University. Self-government is also a hot topic in Turkey, so current Polish reforms in the field of development strategies of communes are of great interest here. As usual, there were many questions after the lecture and it turned into an exciting discussion, including: whether all local authorities would be able to properly stimulate their communes development, even if they had their own very, very large funds? Consequently, we have come to the question whether, and if so, what should be the role of the state in this respect? Fascinating debate with brilliant people!

And the city of Manisa? It is a satellite of the Greater Izmir, the center of a four hundred thousand inhabitants’, dynamic agglomeration with modern, rapidly developing industry, agriculture and services. And although there is little tourism here, it is very worth seeing it. It is one of many proofs that – although with many problems – Turkey is on a growth path leading to the position of a regional power. A ride along the length of Turkey on your own will give you even more food for thought – I did it some time ago on a motorbike – I recommend it! 🙂

Thank you to the Dean Prof. Dr. Cüneyt Yenal Kesbiç, Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Melih Özçalık and professors Arzu Turgut, Deniz Dirik and Devrim Zerengök for your wonderful hospitality and all the conversations!