Support for the professional development of public officials

professional development & career thanks to competences

Many years of work with public authorities and with people performing administrative managerial functions allowed me to get to know their most common professional strengths and weaknesses.

Therefore I know what their expectations and needs in terms of professional development are. I also know the typical professional development needs of people who are just going to perform various public functions.

I also know what competences are usually lacking in people moving from the public sphere to business and vice versa.

Based on this knowledge:

1. I teach at MBA studies intended for people who are or intend to perform the functions of public authorities and management of public units and companies, organized by the best universities, including the Krakow University of Economics and the Heweliusz Institute. Among them are the first and most popular MBA in Community Management in Poland.

2. I teach at courses and trainings organized for the above-mentioned people by self-government organizations, such as the Silesian Union of Communes and Poviats, the Union of Polish Cities.

3. I am a promoter of doctoral dissertations of public officials who have decided to obtain a PhD degree in management sciences.

4. I take part in workshops raising the management competences of public officials in the field of: leadership, negotiation, emotional intelligence, etc.

develop and change your professional perspective!